
If you would like to book an appointment or a consultation, please fill out the form. We need some information in advance to be able to plan your appointment perfectly.

The costs for the first consultation and possible basic investigations will usually be covered by your health insurance. If you have private insurance, then you should clarify this with your insurance company.

Please use this form for your request (available only in german language):

Appointment request


Do you have questions or would like to make an appointment?

To the service form

You can make a non-binding appointment with us at any time. We are looking forward to your visit.


Our next info evening


During our regular information evenings, we will introduce you to the Fertility Center Ludwigsburg and answer your questions about your desire to have a child. Participation is non-binding and free of charge. Further dates …

To the registration

Fertility Clinic Ludwigsburg
Dr Andreas Ott, MD

Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Gynecological Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine

Download information (in German)

Leonberger Str. 2, 71638 Ludwigsburg

Phone 07141-688760


How to find us

Opening hours

Gynecology and obstetrics

Gynecological Endocrinology

Reproductive Medicine

IVF laboratory

Hormone laboratory

Outpatient surgeries

Practice clinic